GMAT Books | GMAT Study Material | Math

Arithmetic | Algebra | Geometry | Word Problems | Problem Solving & DS

Wizako's set of Math Lesson Books comprises 6 books and 3 comprehensive full length online tests for the quantitative section of the GMAT. This comprehensive GMAT study material for GMAT quant will assist you

  1. gain insight into both basic and advanced concepts in 20 topics in Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry that are typically tested in GMAT quant section.
  2. gain familiarity with different types of questions in these topics through adequate solved examples.
  3. learn shortcuts and faster approaches to solve a variety of problems.
  4. get adequate practice through the exercise sections of the lesson books and timed tests in the work book.

Details of Wizako's GMAT Books for Math

The comprehensive GMAT Prep Material for GMAT Quant comprises the following books.

  1. Three Advanced GMAT Math Lesson Books

    These books, organized into 20 chapters, cover Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry beginning with the basics of each topic. Detailed explanation to concepts in 20 different topics in Mathematics follow the basics. Each chapter includes formulae, solved examples (10 to 50 solved examples per topic) with shortcuts wherever applicable, exercise problems (10 to 30 per topic), and explanatory answers to the exercise problems.

  2. One Math Work Book

    Comprises topic wise practice tests. Around 800 challenging questions from 19 topics. Each of these tests comprises 25 to 65 GMAT like multiple choice objective type questions. Correct answers and detailed explanations are provided for each question. Alternative shorcut approaches, wherever applicable, are provided.

  3. One Refresher on Data Sufficiency

    Introduces the concept of data sufficiency and provides tips and tricks to crack the DS questions of the GMAT. The GMAT prep material on Data Sufficiency includes a section on common traps set by question setters and insights on how to avoid those traps.

    This GMAT book on DS also includes 10 speed tests of 15 questions each on Data Sufficiency with answer key and detailed explanatory answers.

  4. One Math Formulae Book

    Comprises a compilation of formulae in Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry that will be useful as a ready reckoner when you revise the Quant section. Has been regarded as highly useful by our students, especially to revise all important math formulas before taking the actual GMAT test.

  5. 5 Full Length Quant Online Tests

    Five full length online quant tests - each with 31 questions comprising both Problem Solving & Data Sufficiency questions. Comprehensive explanatory answers are provided to these tests. You will receive an email with details to access these tests on our learning portal. You will have access to these tests for a duration of 12 months from the date of purchase of the Math Lesson Books.

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